Avantchy Product design work

 Langan package design : Premium package design on thai local fruit product.

SENEGA cigarette : 4 types of favor cigarette

Folding bag : Transparency plastic with origami concept design

Keitaidenwa- Mobile design for blind people who would like to play on MMS. No HD display need,
No filled with buttons, No camera. Inside, we have intelligent key input button; Blind surface display.
Enjoy MMS with human senses. 

Illuminate - Concept look in my eyes, this jewelry can be a necklace or wearing on a face.

Eyes wear - Concept "dragonfly" simply form design,function without any nut on the structure. This eyes wear can fold the wing(spring wing) and clip it in the pocket,feel more soft and super light.

Biomimic desk- Elastic surface desk with full functions for multi-touch.

Eyes wear - Concept how beautiful hair cover face, be nature style form. This design bring function of sun-glass shade UV, also  play design the string to move and design on the face.

Every step of human should be green for the earth- Concept this product is the shoe can grow a tree in every step walk, with seed storage (on&off function).

 Light cap design - Concept dwelling of firefly, we can use the light that come from "firefly"
also like you have a pet to hang with you. It's green energy 

Mobile phone idea future - Concept flexible band that can wrap on any part of body.
With curve display.

Food wrap

                                                 Party vessel with stick


Motivation people to do exercise - Concept design point that people can play, move with free form. This design used elastic rubber and mark circle with sticker backside, more move more good.

Lamp E-co design- Used CD disc and wrap around the bulb, re-used and make more bright .

Tokyo subway seat design - Vibration function while the train get in the platform, also illuminate display to inform all information needs. Concept bring Japanese symbol (red circle) and develop to seat form.